Some Bookish Questions
Adapted from "How to Be a Perfect Reader" by Adam @ Roof Beam Reader
I found this at Whatcha Readin', Books? and I enjoyed her answers. I thought I'd give it a try. She said "I love these reading questionnaires! Feel free to post your own responses." So I will. Join in!
* Do you snack while you read? If so, favorite reading snack?
Usually I don't. If I do, it is something salty.
What is your favorite drink while reading?
A nice tall glass of fresh brewed sweet tea.
*Do you tend to mark your books as you read, or does the idea of writing in books horrify you?
I never mark in my books, in fact it does horrify me.
*How do you keep your place while reading a book? Bookmark? Dog-ears? Laying the book flat open?
I never dog ear books nor do I lay them face down. I use bookmarks and have a fun collection of them.
*Fiction, non-fiction, or both?
I usually read fiction. I have been making an effort to read more non-fiction but the count isn't too high yet.
*Are you a person who tends to read to the end of a chapter, or can you stop anywhere?
I can usually stop wherever, it doesn't bother me.
*Are you the type of person to throw a book across the room or on the floor if the author irritates you?
Believe me I've felt like it a time or two, but no, I just can't throw a book.
*If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop and look it up right away?
I'll look one up if my understanding of the passage is hampered by my ignorance of the word. If I come across an unfamiliar word while using my Nook I'm more likely to check it out, It is just so easy!
*What are you currently reading?
I'm listening to two books: Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer on my iPod and A Prisoner of Birth by Jeffery Archer. I'm reading Whose Body by Dorothy L Slayer on my Nook for the Vintage Mystery Challenge and I'm reading The Fourth Man by K. O. Dahl.
*What is the last book you bought?
I bought three paperbacks yesterday at a large chain discount store, not that I actually needed any more books in my TBR pile. The ole TBR pile is, as my blog is named, to the ceiling. They are: People of the Longhouse by W. Michael and Kathleen O'Neal Gear, Unusual Suspects Edited by Dana Stabenow (short stories with stories by Charlaine Harris, Carole Nelson Douglas, Simon R. Green, Laurie R King, Laura Anne Gilman and others,) and Home Invasion by William w. Johnstone.
*Are you the type of person that reads one book at a time, or can you read more than one? At any given time I have two audio books going. I usually read one book at a time, unless I'm anxious to get on with one.
*Do you have a favorite time/place to read? I'll read anytime I can, but I love to sit up in bed and read. My second favorite place is the living room couch, away from the TV.
*Do you prefer series books or stand alone books?
I've never thought about preferring one to the other. I have some series I like to keep up on and I like finding new series to love. But, I love stand alone novels as well.
*Is there a specific book or author you find yourself recommending over and over?
I would recommend anything by John Steinbeck, his books are amazing. I love to recommend the Stephanie Plum novels, I find them funny, fast reads. I like escaping some of the heavier reading with these. The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series by Alexander McCall Smith is another I recommend a lot. I just love that series. I have recommended The Art of Racing in the Rain Garth Stein as well as The White Queen by Phillipa Gregory. I read many genres and I tend to recommend books to my friends according to their likes.
*How do you organize your books?
I have two bookcases on either side of the piano and one wall with bookcases built all the way across. In one of the stand alone cases I have my collection of old books and books my grandmother used as a teacher in one room schoolhouses in the 20's and 30's. The other stand alone has signed books on the top shelf and, don't laugh, cat mystery series on the other three shelves. The big book case has mostly hardbacks, the Christian nonfiction together, Christian fiction on another shelf, fiction arranged in genre (mystery, sci/fi etc.) on a couple of other shelves, nonfiction together, and my mom's Franklin classics on one shelf. Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Janet Evanovich, Preston & Child, Terry Pratchett, and Brian Jaques all have several books on the shelves. Under the shelves, behind doors is my out of control TBR pile.
Well, there it is.